Mini Amigurumi

I tend to define 'minis' as something I can make, fully, in under two hours. I haven't exactly timed any of these, but like, close enough, y'know? These are all also, funnily enough, small! They are not necessarily beginner friendly however, as some of the stitches can be complex, and the small size means you might need some experience with working in tight spaces to get them to work properly. Stitches you can find umpteen tutorials for online, whether written or video, so don't worry too much about that. Working in tight spaces is just something you have to learn from experience though.

My Own Patterns

Mini Cockatrice

Other Patterns

Anglerfish Dumbo Octopus Tiny Octopus
Sea Slug Garden Slug Snail
Mini Bunny Mini Lizard Ouroborous